SiteGround CDN Is Now Officially Here
Table of Contents
We’ve already launched a newer, even faster version of our CDN service – SiteGround CDN 2.0! It increases the website loading speed by 20% on average, going up to 100% for visitors located in some specific parts of the world, by utilizing the power of anycast routing and Google network edge locations.
We are excited to announce that the SiteGround CDN is out of its beta period and is now officially available for use to all our customers. SiteGround CDN is a site speed optimization service developed in-house specifically for our customers, who receive traffic from different geographic locations. Thousands of users have enabled the CDN during its beta phase and are already actively using it. We are happy and thankful for their strong positive feedback and their input that helped us apply the final touches to our CDN before its official release today.
What are the benefits of the SiteGround CDN
Our SiteGround CDN is an in-house built solution that provides you with a simple On/Off service with smart defaults and native server performance. It is carefully developed to incorporate all related services needed for best results. Here are some of its main benefits:
Blazing-fast websites loading speed
Our SiteGround CDN ensures the fastest loading speed for your websites to its visitors from different parts of the world, thanks to the facts that:
- Our CDN service is hosted entirely in the Cloud where content is cached and replicated across multiple locations on 4 continents and thus served to your website visitors with minimal latency.
- Our CDN ensures blazing-fast loading speed of your websites because it uses a super fast private network between our client-specific CDN locations and our hosting servers.
No configuration and easy management
Setting up your SiteGround CDN and managing its features happens with a few simple clicks in your Site Tools -> Speed -> CDN section, thanks to the fact that every layer of our system is built in-house. The activation of the CDN happens with a single click with NO additional site reconfiguration needed regardless of your site setup. No matter if your site is opened with www, or without www, or if it uses SSL or not, the CDN simply works.
SiteGround CDN plans and features
SiteGround CDN includes a free and a premium plan, that you can choose from, based on your website’s needs. Find out more about the two plans in the following sections:
Features in the Free CDN plan
If you choose to use the Free CDN plan, you can take advantage of the following functionalities, completely free of charge:
- CDN activation for primary domain names with just one click
- Caching of your website static content on CDN servers
- Up to 10 GB bandwidth CDN traffic per month
- Immediate initiation of purge of all cached resources for your website
- Development mode for checking the latest website changes live quickly and ensuring everything looks good
Features in the Premium CDN plan
The Premium CDN plan includes all of the above-mentioned features in the free plan and in addition, it gives you access to the complete list of premium CDN functionalities:
- CDN activation for all domains, including subdomains and parked domains
- Advanced dynamic caching, delivering cached copies of the dynamically generated pages of your site by default
- Unlimited CDN traffic
- Custom TTL (time to live) that allows you to choose your desired cache time to live
- “Always online” feature that keeps delivering the already cached pages from our CDN servers, in case your site starts returning errors
How to get started
You can switch on the Free CDN for your website with a single click from your Site Tools > Speed > CDN section. If you want to unlock the premium CDN features, you need to purchase the Premium CDN service from Client Area > Marketplace > Hosting Services > Additional Services, currently available with 50% off for the first 12 months, starting from $7.49/mo USD (prices are subject to change).
If you would like to use the SiteGround CDN, keep in mind that you cannot use it simultaneously in combination with another CDN. To be able to utilize the CDN service, you need to be using our centralized DNS as well, i.e. your domain should point to our name servers:
Try out our new CDN service for yourself and feel free to leave us a comment, in case you have any feedback or suggestions.
Comments ( 129 )
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Louis Dallara
Would it work with my DNS which is CloudFlare ? or do you have to host my DNS?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
To use our CDN, 1) the website should be added to your SiteGround account in Site Tools and 2) you need to set our name servers for that domain.
Louis Dallara
I don't understand? I think what you are saying is that it is ok for my CloudFare DNS to point to Siteground??? This is all I have to do? 1-Turn off Cloud Flare and remove the plugin. 2-Switch on the Free CDN for your website with a single click from your Site Tools > Speed > CDN section.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
You need to use our name servers to be able to use the CDN. Generally, it is not a good idea to duplicate functionalities, so you can choose from one of the CDN services.
Just wondering what is needed if I currently have Cloudflare turned on with the basic plan? Do I just turn on CDN as well and that's it? Or do I need to remove CloudFlare?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
You cannot use two CDNs at the same time, as this will cause DNS resolution errors. That is why, we have added automated checkers in SiteTools that display a warning if they detect the domain for which you are trying to enable our CDN is already using CloudFlare CDN.
Daniel Bush
Hi there - do we need to change anything with the our SG optimiser app by using the CDN. For example should we be switching of image lazy load or minify css or JS etc?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
No need to apply any additional changes in the SiteGround Optimizer when you enable our CDN. Both services are fully compatible.
Is there any way to benefit from Cloudflare DDOS protection services while still using your CDN? Or does your CDN have DDOS protection systems in place too?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Even if you are not using the CloudFlare CDN, your websites hosted on our servers will still be safe from DDoS attacks. We have our in-house protection that includes hardware and web-application firewalls and more.
Hi, yeah well doesn't do its job. There needs to be some kind of proxy in-between such as CF or sucuri otherwise people can DDOS you.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
There are multiple security layers in place. If you are interested in what SiteGround does to protect you and all other clients, here is an in-depth explanation by Daniel.
Peter Resser
Hi there, this is great news. I haven't found any pricing infos for the Premium CDN on the whole website. Can you pls. paste a link to an URL with the fee/rates - thanks!
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
The monthly Premium plan price is $14.99/11.99€/9.99£. A full comparison chart and all prices can be found in your ClientArea > MarketPlace > Hosting Services > CDN section.
There's no pricing on that page. You shouldn't make it so hard to find pricing.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Thank you for your suggestion. The article has been updated with the current Premium CDN pricing.
Hi, I am currently hosted on Siteground and using free Cloudflare. What are the steps to switch from Cloudflare to Siteground CDN? Thanks
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
The CDN activation process is really simple, regardless of whether you are already using CloudFlare CDN or not. 1. From SiteTools' Speed section, select CDN. 2. Click on Activate. Users who had enabled CloudFlare CDN through SiteGround, would have to click one additional button, "Continue", to authorize the switch, and that's it!
Gary White
I'm actually having the same issue to easily find the pricing
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Hello Gary, happy to clarify! Log into your SiteGround account, go to Marketplace and select Get under the CDN to review the pricing in your own currency. If you're getting a new SiteGround account - you can review the price from the order page, again, in your specific currency. For more questions - reach us directly, we'd love to chat: .
Mariska Threadgold
Hi, If my traffic and target customers are from Australia - is there any benefit to having either CDN or is it better to not have them turned on? Thanks
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Generally, we recommend the CDN use for any websites with international traffic.
Muhammad Ameen
Can I use Siteground CDN with CPanel?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
We are not offering cPanel, and the SiteGround CDN is available only for our clients, so that combo will not be possible.
I activated the new CDN, but I am having problems with my mail client. At this link, in step #3, it tells me to "Enter your local mail client settings and change the current IMAP/POP3 and SMTP server settings from to" I do not know where to go to do this. Can you direct me? Thanks
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
After you create an actual subdomain in SiteTools, e.g., you'll have to access your email client settings and change the IMAP/POP3/SMTP server. As there are various types of email clients, the location of this option in the menu would vary. We recommend checking online for the exact menu steps with which you can change your local mail client settings.
Kevin Phillips
Will using the Premium CDN with Dynamic Cache, will it lower the overhead needed on my cloud hosting (could i run less RAM)? Also, if a page is updated on our site, is that page removed from there Dynamic Cache automatically or do we need to manually clear the ENTIRE cache?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Yes, the use of the Premium CDN will greatly reduce the load of your Cloud account. As for the cache purge, there are several options in which you can control the cache - either via SiteGround Optimizer plugin (auto purge), via SiteTools Caching section (manually) or via the standard cache control headers of your application.
Ralph Niba
Hello. It is mentioned in the explanation that the SG CDN is located in multiple locations on four continents, which are the four continents and precisely how many datacenters are there ?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Our CDN edge servers are located in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. There are 12 servers at the moment, and the exact locations can be found here.
Hi. One of my domains "A" is on Cloudflare and another "B" is not. Cloudflare has a service I have enabled that redirects mobile traffic from "A" to "B". Tricky question. I wonder if a mobile redirect would be a feature request for the future or could it be implemented already? I am tempted to surrender "A" and "B" over to Siteground's CDN.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
The mobile redirect option was not on the roadmap, but we would consider implementing this and other features requested by our clients in future releases of the CDN. Thank you for suggesting that, Tom.
Do you recommend this service for websites that do not have international traffic? And, why... will there be an increase in speed if we choose your premium CDN services? I have a lot of clients and just need to be able to articulate the benefits a little better. Thanks
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Yes, as the website visitors that are closer to the CDN will benefit by the better load speed and TTFB, they will download content faster. As to your second question, this depends on the way the websites have been built. For instance, websites with dynamically generated content pages will see a significant improvement, not to mention the additional advantages included in the Premium CDN as the "Always Online" feature.
The free CDN plan says "Caching of your website static content on CDN servers". Does this mean that dynamically generated content (ie WordPress) will not benefit from this, or will other tools that effectively cache WordPress to speed it up cause the CDN to treat that content as static?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Yes, that is correct. Dynamically generated webpages will gain more speed from the Premium CDN plan that includes dynamic caching.
Vince S
Nowhere here is there any performance comparison with Cloudflare, an explanation why an in-house CDN was a good thing, nor an appreciation of how it works for international customer demographics such as Australia. Please elaborate. Thank you
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hello Vince, we invite you and anyone interested to join us at our free webinar, The Benefits of Using SiteGround CDN, scheduled for June 9, 9 AM EDT. At the event, Daniel will explain in more detail how the SiteGround CDN works and the extent to which it will benefit users based on their geographical location. You can register at to follow the presentation and ask any additional questions you might have.
Will using the CDN save disk space on my siteground hosting if my images will be hosted on Siteground CDN?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Great question, Chad. It will not save disk space, as the images should still be present on your hosting account. These images will be cached and copied on the CDN network and served from the nearest CDN server to the website visitors. Nevertheless, the CDN use would still allow you to utilize your account resources to a greater extent, and handle more website visits.
Michael S
Am I able to activate CDN for sites that I manage via Collaboration? CDN is not listed in site tools under Speed for these sites.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Only the account owners are able to activate the CDN via Site Tools.
Sites that we manage for clients where we're the collaborator sometimes require us to have to log in with their credentials to update settings either for CDN or email. What is the actual reason for preventing a collaborator from making changes to settings that the client doesn't understand?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
The collaborator access level was designed for account owners who need technical help with their websites. The mailboxes often contain sensitive information, which is why the collaborator's access to the Email section is restricted. As for the CDN, for the time being, it can be managed only from the owner's Client Area, but we'll keep you posted.
We are using Premium DNS service in godaddy, is it possible to use siteground free CDN service without updating the siteground name server
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
If you want to use our CDN you need to point the nameservers to us. I am afraid you can't skip that.
So, where can we find a comparison table of all features between Cloudflare CDN (Premium Plan) and SG CDN (Premium Plan)? If not available, it shouldn't be difficult to develop and publish one. For us, this is critical prior to switching to SG CDN.
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Not really a fan of comparison tables especially in this case. The use cases are different, the needs are different and such table won't make much sense. While CF try to handle every hosting company in the world and provide optimizations on their edges, what we do is a flawless implementation between origin servers and the CDN, performance handled by the SGO plugin and the fastest possible data delivery by the edges.
So cool! I keep on getting impressed on SiteGround's WordPress tech. The value and speed of SiteGround is just amazing.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Thank you, Zack. We'll do our best to surpass your expectations!
Best service ever, congrats to all SG team.
My traffic is only from one country KUWAIT , and currently my hosting location is Netherland, will the premium CDN service benefit my site in terms of load times.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Yes, as the activation of the Premium CDN will distribute your website content to the CDN edge servers. So visitors will get the content from the closest CDN server, which in your case will be the one in Warsaw, Poland.
I see ' The CDN activation will overwrite the A, AAAA, and CNAME records for the selected domain' when i tempted to activate the SG CDN. Question - will this DNS overwrite affect my email system? My existing MX/TXT records are pointed to another mail system provider, not pointed to siteground.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
You can safely proceed with the CDN activation. The existing MX and TXT records in your DNS zone with SiteGround will not be updated.
To these names servers too? NS1.US83.SITEGROUND.US NS2.US83.SITEGROUND.US
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
It seems you are still using the legacy name servers. To be able to use the CDN, please update the name servers to our new ones: and
Jaosn chen
Some pages of my website do not need CDN caching. How can I set this up? Do you support bypassing certain page caches?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
There are no options for excluding custom pages in the CDN menu. Generally, there are certain types of pages that are bypassed from the cache by default, i.e. logged-in users, carts, checkout pages, etc. If you have WordPress website, you can check the Exclude URL Caching options in the SiteGround Optimizer plugin.
At present, we are using Cloudlfare Premium services in siteground, after activating the siteground CDN Do we also need to update the DNS records under DNS zone editor as our main domain points to
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hello, to use SiteGround CDN, the domain name in question should use these name servers: and So you would have to update the name servers, not the DNS records in the DNS zone. Hope that helps!
Hi, "the domain name in question should use these name servers: and" How do we check this setting?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
You can check that by doing a whois lookup online - this will show you the general information for the domain name registration in question. For instance, once you type the domain name here, the section Name Servers will show your current ones.
Bryan Veloso
Do you have a waiting room feature same with Cloudflare?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Excellent question, Bryan. The CDN does not include such functionality for the time being.
Hi I am planning to activate CDN. In my account, I have a free CDN. I can see two options. 1. CDN and 2. Cloudflare And I saw "If you have activated the CDN and then change the domain’s nameservers, the service will stop working and will be automatically disabled." If I activate any of these CDN, Do I need to change DNS records? Will it affect my website? And I am using Azure Storage for media files. Will it create any issue if I activate CDN?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
For each CDN, the activation process varies. Activating our SiteGround CDN will not cause any issues - the only requirement is that the domain name is using our name servers ( & As for CloudFlare CDN, please reach our Support, so we can check your DNS setup and advise you correctly about your options.
Hi there, we are a current cloud server client with Siteground. If we activate SG CDN paid version, does this change the DNS records automatically like Cloudflare did? And if so, does it need to propagate again? Thank you
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
The CDN activation overwrites the existing A, AAAA, and CNAME records in your DNS zone with us. (This is valid for both plans, Premium & Basic.) This way, your website traffic is redirected to a different IP address. Due to the low TTL (time-to-live), the change is almost immediate, and you do not need to wait hours for it to take effect worldwide.
How do I know if I need more than 10 GB bandwidth CDN traffic per month?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Great question, Tlachumo! If your CDN bandwidth usage exceeds the 10 GB quota, you will get an email notification at the contact email on file. Make sure that your contact information is always up to date.
Is the Premium service billed per hosting plan or per website? I.E. if I have a go geek plan with multiple websites, do I have to buy separate premium subscriptions for each website, or do I just buy one subscription and am able to use the premium cdn on all my sites?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
The Premium CDN purchased per one website would handle the traffic to the main website, all subdomains, and parked domains related to that website. For any alternative websites hosted under that same plan, you would have to activate the CDN additionally, Free or Premium.
Seems crazy you cant use your CDN without also using you for DNS. DNS is also used for email and many other things, and a lot of web devs dont eve have DNS access. A simple CNAME would achieve the same thing.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Thank you for sharing your consideration. The switch to our name servers would not prevent you from using your DNS zone and adding custom DNS records in it while enjoying the blazing speed of your websites that use the CDN.
I have a few CNAME records associated with my Stripe account which show up as Domain Keys in my DNS Zone Editor. If I switch from Cloudflare to the Siteground CDN, when the A, AAAA, and CNAME records are updated by Siteground, will that affect these Stripe CNAME records? Will I need to do something with Stripe to ensure it still recognizes my domain, or will that be unaffected by a change of CDN and the associated CNAME record updates?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Generally, if you are using our name servers already, the activation of our CDN should not affect your existing CNAME records. Still, to be on the safe side, I would recommend reaching our Support from the Help Center at Our technicians will review your setup and advise you on the best way to proceed for avoiding any service interruption.
Is a CDN useful if my target audience is in Europe and also my website is on a Siteground server in the Netherlands?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
What matters is where your target audience is based. If your website visitors are from various countries in Europe, any of our European servers would work for you Yet, your website will load faster when the content is loaded from the CDN edge servers.
If you host client websites by repointing the a-record, this new CDN is unworkable for you, it does NOT work with an a-record repoint, only a full DNS switch, which, as we all know is not always possible.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
That is correct, Lee. To be able to use the CDN, your DNS should be managed by SiteGround, meaning the domain name should be with our & name servers. We realize some users who are not in control of the DNS, might not be able to take advantage of the CDN, yet this is the way the service had been set up for optimal efficiency, security, and load speed.
Our domain is using a few edge firewall rules in Cloudflare. Will we be able to re-create firewall rules from the Siteground CDN edge server?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
The current version of the CDN does not include the option for creating custom firewall rules. Yet, this will be most likely implemented in v.2 of our SiteGround CDN.
My website audience is from Italy and my current server location is The Netherlands. Will I benefit from your new CDN? Also, I use CloudFlare primarily for their WAF (Web application firewall) which is protecting my OpenCart. Will it be possible to continue using Cloudflare instead of SG CDN?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hi Vincenzo, if you prefer to continue using Cloudflare CDN, that is also an option, please check the instructions we have emailed all current users. Yet, I reckon your visitors will benefit from the SiteGround CDN, as we have a closer CDN location (Frankfurt) than your current data center location (Netherlands).
Is the CDN (and your hosting for that matter) dual stacked IPv4 and IPv6? Does the CDN replicate content to all CDN locations without being requested or is it a 'pull' CDN
Elena Chavdarova Siteground Team
Hello Andrew, IPv6 is not yet supported on our servers. The CDN cache is generated on region basis. The CDN caches your website content on a server close to your site visitors and delivers this cached version to them every time they visit your site.
James S
I'm based in the UK, all our traffic is from the UK, and we are currently using a London data centre. Would I see any benefit to using this, as presumably its the same CDN server? Would this have mitigated the downtime yesterday when the London data centre went down?
Elena Chavdarova Siteground Team
Hello James, We do recommend using CDN for websites with international traffic. Still if you have it enabled and website is cached, the requests will be handled by the CDN and not reaching the origin server. As for the London data center issue - CDN can help if you have the Premium CDN Plan enabled. When the issue was present we have removed London location from the CDN and migrated the requests towards it to another location. So if your website was cached on multiple CDN locations and the Always Online option was enabled, the traffic would have been migrated to another location and website returned from it's cached version there. Even if the cache expiration time was hit, the Always Online option will return cached content if requests to the origin website are failing. Hope that helps!
Hello, I use ImageRecycle for the images on my website. Is this compatible with your free or paid CDN? Thank you.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
We are not aware of this specific plugin, yet as per the information available on the plugin page there should be no compatibility issues within the plugin and the CDN.
Hello - I am on cloud hosting and evaluating whether I should switch to SG free CDN or retain Cloudflare. My site only targets users from India and it is hosted in Singapore. My reasons for keeping CF are (1) I believe CF reverse proxy offers DDoS protection, how does SG CDN compare? (2) I have custom rule in the CF WAF to block my site's register page URL for users outside India, otherwise i get tons of spam registrations - can i set such rule in SG CDN? THanks
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hello Vivek, At SiteGround, we have our own anti-DDoS measures that keep all clients' websites safe from harm. As for the custom rules, the current version of the CDN does not support that. We are working on including the custom rules in future CDN releases.
Some of my siteground hosted sites have domains registered elsewhere are pointed to siteground with A records only. Will these work with the CDN too? or does Siteground need to manage the DNS?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
You can activate the CDN only for domain names using our name servers. If your DNS zone is not managed on our end (for domains pointed only by A records), the CDN cannot be enabled.
How do I opt out and keep Cloudflare?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hello, we have emailed all Cloudflare users to inform them of the upcoming switch. Please check your mailbox for that email - it contains an opt-out form via which you can confirm which CDN you prefer to choose. In case you have not received the form, please reach our Support via your Help Center: Cloudflare switch to SiteGround CDN > Assistance with an upcoming migration.
Question: If I'm using Siteground CDN, would I still be able to use cloudflare's firewall rules, page rules, and SSL certificates? My domain is currently pointed at Cloudflare, but if I have to direct it to siteground's name servers, how would I still stay connected to my cloudflare account? How would that work? Thank you in advance.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
You can use only one CDN at a time. For the time being, the import of custom firewall rules is not supported by our CDN. If you switch to it, you would have to change the domain name servers to ours and ensure the SSL certificates are either issued by SiteGround, or installed on your web server with us.
Nice updates! If my traffic and target customers are from Hong Kong, which CDN do you recommend between Cloudflare and Siteground CDN, it seems Siteground CDN does not have a data center or CDN location in Hong Kong, but Cloudflare does.
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hello Anson, Several important factors come into play when choosing a CDN provider. We believe our CDN solution is one of the easiest to manage and that it saves much time and hassle for our clients, but it's up to you as an account owner to select the service vendor that suits your needs best.
Hi there, Have some questions: 1. I currently use Cloudflare free with Full Page Caching APO. Does Siteground CDN offer full page caching like this? 2. Currently Siteground Optimizer set to WebP images + cloudflare doesnt work (as cloudflare wont serve jpeg versions to browsers that dont support WebP). Does the Siteground CDN work differently so we can enable WebP in Siteground Optimiser? 3. In Cloudflare I can block traffic from specific countries. Is this possible with Siteground CDN? Thanks Jai
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hello Jai, There are no known conflicts between our CDN and the SiteGround Optimizer plugin. The current CDN versions do not include blocking traffic from specific countries (geoblocking). Lastly, all Premium CDN users can get their websites blazing fast with our full-page caching powered by NGINX.
Hello, does free CDN work on a network of sites (WP metiste)?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Great question, Gabriel! The CDN works with multi-sites as well. You need to activate only one CDN for each domain or subdomain, which means if your multisite network is set in subdirectories, you would need only one CDN, free or paid.
2 Questions: 1) What happens after the 10 GB of bandwidth (in the free plan) run out? What happens to the site? 2) It is $7/month right now for premium. If we sign up now, will we keep that pricing forever?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Once the usage exceeds the 10 GB quota, you will be notified via email. As for the price, it might be a subject of change.
Good day. I am considering utilizing your CDN for a couple of our sites. I think opting for this vs. Cloudflare would make it easier to implement and deactivate (if something goes awry). We use Wordfence on all our WordPress installs. We are staying with Wordfence for now as SG Security plugin is still in it infancy. Are there going to be any issues with Wordfence if I activate your paid CDN?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Great to hear that! There are no known incompatibilities, so you feel free to try our CDN. We'd be happy to hear your feedback afterwards.
I have WP Fastest Cache plugin installed on a site, and it currently shows Cloudflare (my former CDN) being used. To change, it asks for the CDN URL I am currently using - which is now, Siteground. My question is... what would I input here, for Siteground's CDN URL? Thanks!
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Hello Burch, You can use your domain name for which you have activated the SiteGround CDN URL, so the CDN URL would be
We need to add A and AAAA records for given subdomains to redirect it to endpoints at Google Cloud - see How can this be done while keeping the (free) CDN for our website (www) ?
Mila Kanazirska Siteground Team
You can edit the A and AAAA records of any given subdomain without affecting the main one as long as and remain untouched. This can be done from the Site Tools panel of your account > Domain > DNS Zone Editor. Our team can also help you:
Hi, I have a question, we have a site in SG, but we want to migrate to a self-hosted solution but keep using SG CDN. Is that possible? Because none of the options seems to allow me to change the destination. My guess is that I should change the destination in CDN settings, but I don't see any option.
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Thank you for the question. We've created the SiteGround CDN specifically for sites hosted on our servers, so if you're not hosting your site with us, the SiteGround CDN will not work as a stand-alone feature. Also, the domain has to be pointed to SiteGround by Name Servers for our CDN to work at all. If there's anything else that we can help with, you can reach out to our team anytime: .
Barry Brunning
Having followed the instructions regarding email clients at my email clients (Mac Mail and Outlook) were still not happy. Further, webmail was not receiving test messages I sent. What could be wrong? Well, I'm no DNS expert, but it seemed an MX record pointing to might need changing to This I did and now my email clients and webmail are working. Maybe the instructions "What to do if my mail client stops working after switching on SiteGround CDN" need to additionally mention an MX record change where that may be necessary?
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Hello Barry and thank you for commenting! Once the subdomain is created in Site Tools, it is automatically pointed to the Site IP. You can then install an SSL to use the secured email settings. Provided the MX records were correct in the first place - the emails should be working. That's why we've not included that part in the tutorial - the CDN switch won't affect them. Still, we understand where you're coming from and appreciate you taking the time to write here, your feedback is duly noted.
Peter Corke
I was migrated to SiteGround CDN from CloudFlare, and things went well until this month when it was suspended (Free SiteGround CDN bandwidth limit exceeded) and the limit turns out to be a miserly 10GB. Over previous months my bandwidth was well over this and there was no issue. I lodged a ticket and was told that "the bandwidth limitations have been implemented recently in order to ensure the well-being and stability of the CDN service for all of our customers." This is a stealthy service downgrade. I could fix this by paying up for Premium but it feels like I've been engineered into this situation. I've enjoyed SiteGround up until this point, it just works and technical support is awesome.
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thank you for the comment, Peter. We are sorry to hear about any negative impression you've had about the service. Just to clarify, it is important to note that the 10GB bandwidth limit recently implemented in our free CDN plan aims to ensure the smooth running and reliability of the service. Using the most recent statistics and details gathered since the launch of the service, our experts determined that the majority of users of the free plan never even come close to exceeding 10GB of bandwidth, so this was established as a fair use threshold. Having in mind that this is a complementary feature, we can’t afford to extend the user-allocated resources beyond this point at no additional cost. When it comes to websites with high bandwidth usage, as the case seems to be here, the Premium plan of the service would definitely be a better fit as it can handle unlimited bandwidth use. Alternatively, you could also look into the reasons for the high resource usage and (if it is not caused by actual traffic) take actions to optimize the site and reduce it in order to fit into the capacity of the free CDN plan. Hope this helps, and if there's anything else we can do for you, don't hesitate to reach out to Support.
Hi, I've tried to activate the CDN SERVICE (free) and I got the following message "The CDN activation will overwrite the A, AAAA, and CNAME records for the selected domain. If you deactivate the CDN afterward, the domain will be pointed to your Site IP." Is that ok? Should I continue the process?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hi there! Yes, that is perfectly okay. You can go ahead with the activation process without any worries. Your DNS records will be updated automatically as per the requirements of our CDN to make sure that your website content is distributed among all CDN locations worldwide. At a later point, if you deactivate the CDN, your domain will simply be pointed to your Site IP again. Find out more about the service and how to manage it in this post.
Does the SiteGround CDN and Caching (NGINX, Dynamic Cache, Memcached) support text streaming like ChatGPT?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hey Jeff. Thanks for your interest in our speed optimization tools! Just to clarify, our CDN and caching solutions like NGINX, Dynamic Cache, and Memcached are all about boosting your website’s speed. They work by storing copies of your site’s content, from images to dynamically generated pages, and delivering them quickly to your visitors. While these tools aren’t specifically designed for text streaming services like ChatGPT, they do focus on making your website as fast and efficient as possible. For real-time services like ChatGPT, you’d typically need a different kind of tech that’s built for real-time data streaming. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any more questions.
Hopefully this isn't a dumb question but can I use SiteGround CDN for a Roku channel or must it be linked to one of my SiteGround websites?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Brock! That’s a great question, and we’re glad you asked! Our SiteGround CDN is a perfect solution for serving content from our distributed CDN edge server network for sites hosted with SiteGround. For any project with high bandwidth demands (such as a Roku channel), our Premium CDN would be the better fit as it comes with unlimited monthly bandwidth and some great extra features (the ’Under Attack” mode & “Always Online” feature, for example). You’re welcome to give it a try! Plus, we offer a refund policy for added peace of mind in case it doesn’t meet your expectations. If you need more details or have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us directly via our 24/7 live chat.
I am at 80% of CDN- how do I reduce this number? Thank you.
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Hello Melissa, thank you for commenting. Reducing the CDN bandwidth usage is possible by ensuring proper site cache utilization or optimizing the bigger resources on the pages like images for example. As we're not able to find your account here, we suggest contacting our team at a convenient for you time from the Help Center. Here are the steps you can follow: . Our colleagues would be happy to assist!
I am interested in using the CDN although the site I want to include is not hosted on Siteground. Due to its size it was not supported and had to moved there. I am extremely unhappy with Cloudflare in Greece and I am considering alternatives. Here is an indicative result. A near perfect score site, failing TTFB /Web core vitals! Also in the event that we get a Dedicated server solution with you, is it possible to install New Relic Agents for us?
Mila Kanazirska Siteground Team
Hello Dimitris, and thank you for reaching out and considering SiteGround for your CDN and hosting needs. We understand the importance of site performance and are here to help you find the best solution. You can use our CDN with websites hosted on SiteGround, and we offer a robust solution that can help improve your site's loading times, TTFB, and overall performance, especially if you're experiencing issues with your current provider. However, we do not offer Dedicated servers but rather Cloud solutions. It would be best to reach out to our team at your convenience so we can discuss your requirements and see how we can assist you. Here is a direct link -
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