Hosting Subscription
Transitions And Upgrades
Will you terminate my hosting account immediately after I cancel it?

Will you terminate my hosting account immediately after I cancel it?

That depends on whether you request immediate account cancellation or cancellation upon expiration.

If you choose the cancel now option, the account will be suspended immediately after receiving the confirmation to your cancellation request. A copy of the account will be kept for a maximum of 60 calendar days for Shared plans and between 7-14 days for Cloud ones. After that period the account will be terminated as well as the backup copy of it, which means we will not keep any of your files on the server.

If you request cancellation upon expiration, your hosting account will be suspended 24 hours after its expiration date. A copy of the account will again be kept for a maximum of 60 calendar days for Shared plans and between 7-14 days for Cloud ones and will be terminated afterwards.

Therefore, we advise you to keep a back-up copy of your account, so that you do not risk loosing your files.

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