Other Applications
Moodle showing a warning about Antelope table format

Moodle showing a warning about Antelope table format

If you are using Moodle 2.7 or above you may see this warning in its admin panel > Server > Environment section:

Your database has tables using Antelope as the file format. 
You are recommended to convert the tables to the Barracuda file format. 
See the documentation Administration via command line for details of a tool for converting
InnoDB tables to Barracuda.

The reason for this is that on SiteGround’s servers the Antelope file format is used for the tables of your database. That file format is the default for MySQL 5.6 and it cannot be changed on a per user request on shared servers.

The warning should not affect the functionality of your Moodle website however. The change is suggested since some Moodle plugins may try to create tables with many text columns. However, most Moodle plugins do not do this and you should be able to use them without any problems.

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