How to Give My Developer Access to My Site
You can quickly provide your developer access by adding them as a collaborator to your website. To add a collaborator, go to your Client Area > Websites. Find the desired website and click kebab menu right next to it. Then click on the Manage Users tab, scroll down, and hit Add Users, afterward you may select the Collaborator option.

In the drop-down menu, you will see New User option. Click on it and fill in the email and name of your developer. Once ready, click Add, and your developer will receive an email to accept the invitation to become a collaborator to this particular site in the next 48 hours before the invite expires.
Once accepted, your developer will have to log into their own Client Area. They won’t have access to your login and profile details, and they won’t be able to purchase any paid services. They will have access to all the Site Tools of your site, except the email management section.