Advanced Site Tools
How do I access my site through SSH connection?

How do I access my site through SSH connection?

  1. Generate a new SSH key pair from Site Tools > Devs > SSH Keys Manager > Add new > Generate.
  2. Copy the private key from Site Tools > Devs > SSH Keys Manager > Actions > Private Key and save it in a file on your local machine key.
  3. Change the permissions of the newly created file to more secure ones. To do that, run the following command in the Terminal:
    chmod 600 /Users/youruser/private_key
    • Replace /Users/youruser/private_key with the location of your private key text file.
  4. Load the key on your local machine depending on the OS you are using:
    • For Linux/Mac OS, use ssh-add /path/to/your/private_key
    • For Windows, open PuTTy then click Load and open the private key file
  5. Enter the passphrase chosen upon the key generation.
  6. Connect via SSH depending on the OS you are using:
    • For Linux/Mac OS:


      The SSH credentials are available in Site Tools > Devs > SSH Keys ManagerUnder Manage SSH Keys, choose the your key and go to the kebab menu > SSH Credentials. For example:

      ssh user1@hostname.com -p18765
    • For Windows – in PuTTY enter the server hostname. Set the connection type to SSH and port to 18765. Enter your username and press Enter. The SSH credentials are available in Site Tools > Devs > SSH Keys ManagerUnder Manage SSH Keys, choose the your key and go to the kebab menu > SSH Credentials.

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