WordPress Security Webinar with WebDevStudios – video and slides

WordPress Security Webinar

After a short summer break our educational webinar initiative continues with WordPress! Yesterday we hosted our first WordPress webinar about WordPress security with Brad Williams and Brian Messenlehner from WebDevStudios. We had a really good crowd of attendees and a great discussion at the end.

There are more webinars to come and we would love to hear from you about your preferred topics. Throw your suggestions in the comments below!

As the tradition goes, we’re sharing the video replay and the presentation slides!

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Tina Kesova

VP of Strategic Partnerships until 2017

After 10+ years at SiteGround, probably the only thing I haven’t done (yet) here is writing code. Today I help SiteGround grow our client base through events and partnerships. I have the immense pleasure to do it with the help of the best team members which I am also privileged to call friends.

Comments ( 9 )

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Chandrak Vania

Sep 28, 2013

I am going to tell you real security problem with wordpress. 1. Many wordpress username is admin. 2. Many idiots keep password like password, consider, mom, papa, daddy,birth date, brother. Most hackers hack wordpress blog just to add their website links to rank high on google.

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Sep 29, 2013

Thanks for presenting this webinar.

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WordPress security tips for your website : Post Status

Sep 30, 2013

[…] WordPress security tips for your website → […]

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Asad Zaman Khan

Oct 02, 2013

A big thanks for this Webinar. Love you Siteground <3

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Weekly Roundup: WPEngine Branding and the State of Podcasting

Oct 07, 2013

[…] WordPress Security Webinar with WebDevStudios – video and slides – Last week, Brad Williams and Brian Messenlehner, co-founders of WebDevStudios teamed up with SiteGround to do a security presentation. […]

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WordPress security tips for your website

Oct 08, 2013

[…] Messenlehner are co-founders of WebDevStudios and last week they teamed up with SiteGround to do a security presentation. They offer some scary statistics on security, go over an example hack, cover ways to secure your […]

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Markdown tools for bloggers

Oct 08, 2013

[…] Messenlehner are co-founders of WebDevStudios and last week they teamed up with SiteGround to do a security presentation. They offer some scary statistics on security, go over an example hack, cover ways to secure your […]

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Nov 06, 2013

Locking down wp-admin and wp-login using the SSL code like define ('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true) Can this be done in the site where SSL is installed or can it be used in all the sites?

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Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Nov 07, 2013

Hey nirmala! The following code: define (‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’, true); will redirect all login attempts from: http://yourdomainname.com/wp-login.php to: https://yourdomainname.com/wp-login.php My advice is to use the code only if you have a valid SSL certificate for your domain name. If you don't have private SSL certificates for your domain names then your browser will display a warning message and inform you that the SSL is not trusted. If you want to protect just the WP admin area use the following code: define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); You can find the official documentation at: http://codex.wordpress.org/Administration_Over_SSL


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