To be a part of the big SiteGround family is not only a constant challenge but also a great privilege. The energy and enthusiasm that we put in our every-day work is being ceaselessly revived by the numerous events and vacations that we take part in. Several months ago we were surprised with another such news – an upcoming ski vacation that will allow SiteGround winter sport lovers to spend some time together in the mountains.
After all the hassle around the organization, we finally took off heavily equipped and ready for adventures. We were warmly welcomed by a beautiful ski resort with serene sky and picturesque landscapes. And there the fun started – not all of us were that good on skiing and snowboarding and in tune with SiteGround’s team spirit, some of us were devoted to teach others. My students were highly motivated and persistent but that did not prevent them from getting involved in some of the most comic accidents that I have ever seen. Here I should surely mention Petar from our Sales Team, who in spite of all the obstacles, managed in two days first to dart off into a ravine and then to interrupt a ski-race by landing onto the racing slope just inches away from one of the athletes. Every beginning is hard but the memories are priceless.
Not everyone from the SiteGround Ski Team was a beginner. Another group of skiers was participating in their own extemporaneous race. The gold went to one of our system administrators who managed to gather the insane speed of 77.1 mph.
This vacation, however, was not only about sports – it was about bonding and helping our team perform better. At the end of the day, we had great fun, we love our work even more, and we work together more efficiently to provide our customers with the best possible service!
Can’t wait to see what the next day in SiteGround will bring…
SiteGround Sales Team
Comments ( 4 )
Hannelore Freund
Great pictures, great trip and celebration. It's all possible by having the highest hosting fees on the globe. somebody has to pay for that. thanks
Jan Hilt
The enthusiasm, fun and camaraderie splatters from the screen. Great to see a team relax and having fun this way. And also nice to see some faces behind the name SiteGround. So I must concur with Hannelore, someone’s gotta pay for it. Glad I could be of help. Regards, Jan.
Jan & Hannelore, actually, the formula is very simple! Here at Siteground we deliver top notch service all the time, you guys tell all your friends/family/coworkers etc about us, we get many new happy clients that would also tell everybody and so on and on...That way instead of spending a fortune on advertising, we invest that in our employees, making them better and better and better, and motivated of course...and that pays off - you guys are seeing this every day!
Mike Pritchard
Actually, I am not sure how you could afford to do it. Having fees as low as yours. It is amazing to me we can get such top quality service and features for what we pay. Glad you guys got to have fun. (love the new backup tool too) Mike
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