SiteGround involves customers in a "Stop Censorship" Campaign
SiteGround web hosting company has launched a campaign to encourage its customers to voice their opinion about the soon-to-be-voted in the House of Parliament PIPA bill. The goal of the campaign is to raise the awareness about the controversial legislation and to attract even more people to oppose the bill. The SiteGround clients are invited to embed a special stamp on their websites created by the company for the needs of the campaign and to spread the word against SOPA and PIPA in their social media channels. The company has even created a plugin for Joomla that will easily add the campaign stamp on Joomla websites. SiteGround has publicly opposed the bill back in November 2011 in their company blog and has been actively voicing their opposition in social networks ever since. Now they go further in their SOPA opposition by trying to engage their customers.
“We believe that more people should become aware that Internet, as they know it, is facing a serious change, more people should care and more people should express a strong position built on principles.”, says Tenko Nikolov. “Recently we have seen the topic being turned into a money making technique by several other hosting companies which contradicts with our understanding about the seriousness of the problem. Seeking profit out of such issues, rather than putting effort in resolving them in everyone’s best interest, is least to say dangerous.” he added. “All we want with this campaign is to encourage our users think about the problem, make an informed and based on principles decision, and join us in opposing the laws if they find them as inappropriate as we do”, Tenko concluded.
More information about the campaign:
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