New Email Migrator Tool for Fast and Easy Email Transfers

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When changing your hosting provider, sometimes it is not only about moving your website and pointing your domain to the new server. If you also use email services as part of your hosting plan, the most challenging part of the process may be transfering your email accounts and messages without losing data or creating disruption to your business communication process. To address this challenge for people, who prefer to have everything hosted at one place, we have now added a new Email Migrator tool. It allows you to transfer your mail service from another server to our mail servers fast, easy and securely.
Why did we develop the Email Migrator
SiteGround clients who are transferring from other hosting providers already benefit from our automatic website transfer options. The Email Migrator tool streamlines this process even further, making the transfer of email services possible in just a few clicks, even by not so tech-savvy users. On top of that, the tool helps you keep your email communication intact and safely transfer all of it to our servers.
What are the benefits of our Email Migrator tool
In addition to making it easier to transfer your emails to SiteGround and have everything in one secure place, our Email Migrator has a couple of other added benefits:
- Intuitive interface for easy migration start 🏗️
The tool interface guides you through the few steps needed to get the process started.
- Secure and reliable transfer 🛡️
We’ll move your emails in a secure manner, ensuring privacy and data protection.
- Fast migration 🚀
We’ve developed the tool in a way that the procedure won’t take too long. Yet, the exact time needed will depend on different factors, such as the size of the mailbox, remote server speed, and others.
- Keeping the structure of the email account being migrated 📧
We’ll transfer your email account for you, including folders, messages and attachments.
- No duplicates created 📑
We’ll make sure that there are no duplicates created during the migration process.
- Automated process 🪄
There’s no manual work required on your end, as the migration happens in the background. You’ll need, though, to set up the systems that are beyond SiteGround control: point your MX records to make the new messages come to our server and reconfigure your email client to start receiving the messages from our server.
How to transfer your emails with the Email Migrator
To transfer your emails, you need to follow a few simple steps in your Site Tools > Email > Email Migrator. Read detailed instructions on how to transfer your emails and enjoy a hassle-free email migration to SiteGround!
The Email Migrator is basically the last piece of the puzzle that lets you have everything in one place. Transferring all things to SiteGround allows you to easily manage both your website and email in one account. Not only do you have everything in one place, but you’re counting on our proven expertise in both web hosting and email services.
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Comments ( 57 )
Great! Thank You it is very helpful.
Really nice. That will make my work easy :)
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
That's the idea, we want to save our clients a bit of time and effort with the features we're adding. Happy to hear you like them!
Mark Snape
Did this for a dozen customers 17th November.... The timing of this is unfortunate for me. I did discuss it with support only a couple of weeks before and they advised to setup imap client for both old and new mailboxes and then drag the mail across. It would have been nice if they knew this was coming and could defer my actions or ask if I would consider early access to the tool to help prove it.
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Hey Mark! Excellent to hear you're moving clients to SiteGround and we hope they like their new hosting. Things are very dynamic when we're planning the release of a new tool like the Email Migrator. We're testing, checking, and doing our best to perfect the product before going live with actual customers. That's why we don't want to mislead you by promising something in advance before the final touches are done. We always recommend checking our blog for the latest updates. Still, we can see how knowing about the Email Migrator might have been beneficial and your feedback definitely gave us some food for thought. Thank you!
This is going to be a huge help as I am about to launch a site and we will soon be tackling the email migration issue. I've reviewed the documentation and I have a question. My client is using Mac Mail. From the instructions it sounds like she will need to add a new account for SiteGround email. Is this correct, or can she update the settings on her existing account for the email address we are migrating?
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Good day, Susan! If you would like to transfer the emails and their contents here - then yes, you need to have the email accounts created on our end. That is part of the process with the Email Migrator, check out the steps here: . If there are any other questions - we'd love to take a detailed look at the account, understand the situation and assist accordingly. You can get in touch with us from the Help Center. Here is how: .
Vicky Etherington
I'll be trying this out really soon as i have a few accounts to move across. Thank you so much for a great feature because email is often the biggest blocker to a straightforward migration.
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
We listened to what our clients needed and we made it happen. Excited for you to give it a try!
Any thoughts on removing the mbox size restriction for this migration (currently 6-7GB)? Some of my customers have a hard time reducing their e-mail to this size and the migration is then manual. Seems like SG is missing a trick as larger mbox moves have the added benefit to SG of selling more disk space!
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! We've created the Email migrator to accommodate the most common cases faced by our customers. All while providing reasonable transfer times and efficiently using the allocated server resources. Still, we can see how transferring larger mailboxes can be useful and your feedback is noted. You can still move those mailboxes with the help of our article covering the IMAP transfer for example: . Reach us directly from the Help Center, we'll be glad to clarify further if needed.
I want to add my support to the idea of increasing the size of mailboxes. I have accounts that I cannot transfer to SiteGround because of the limit and it's a big problem for me. I would be VERY happy to see more flexibility in mailbox size management.
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thank you for the suggestion, Mark. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
CArRiE McDougall
I would want to transfer from Godaddy (yuck) that is a Microsoft 365 Email account. Do you know if your migrator will work with that type of an account??
Ivan Naidenov Siteground Team
Hello Carrie! Yes, as long as you have the right account details our Migrator will help out with the email transfer. We suggest following the steps in our guide here: . For Microsoft 365 it's important to keep in mind that you need to have the IMAP email settings. Just in case you have any questions - our team is also available from the Help Center: . All the best - The SiteGround Team.
CArRiE McDougall
Actually, Ivan I tried to use your migration tool and discovered that it in fact does not work with GoDaddy's Professional Email accounts that utilize Microsoft 365's WEB-BASED Outlook. Your migration tool isn't able to connect to it (even with the proper settings). It may work with their next level email account that does not use the WEB-BASED Outlook- I unfortunately don't have that type of account, so wasn't able to test it.
gabrielaandonova Siteground Team
Thank you for getting back to us with this information, Carrie. We are sorry to hear about the difficulties you faced with the email migration process. Indeed, we double-checked with our tech specialists, who've already addressed your issue in our HelpDesk, and your case is an exception due to a service-specific limitation with your current email provider. We’ll make sure to escalate your feedback to the relevant product team for further consideration, so thank you for your input! We remain available should you need further assistance!
Ivan G
Has there been any update on this feature request? I'm facing the same issue and I imagine a lot of people use Microsoft Office 365 Outlook who wouldn't mind migrating to SiteGround (from GoDaddy or other hosting providers). As a workaround, maybe you can build support for PST/OST file import?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thanks for your comment. If you're having trouble using the Email Migrator, you can manually transfer your emails via your local email client or try a direct import if you have your messages backed up in a PST/OST file. Our support team can also provide helpful suggestions for the transfer, depending on your specific setup with Microsoft Office 365 Outlook. So feel free to contact us directly via our Help Center if you need further assistance.
Sweet. I have one og these we have been waiting on to move from GD to SG that had 365.
Can I transfer email to my Siteground webmail from an .OST or .PST file?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Rudy, thanks for your question! You can upload mail via your Webmail interface in MIME or Mbox formats. Here's a tutorial with steps you might find useful:
David Adams
I sent an email to a client earlier this afternoon (at 15:02 GMT) and suggested that he consider moving his email from his current provider to SiteGround. Then, 54 minutes later you send me an email introducing your new Email Migrator Tool. Are you watching me? Like right now? 🤔
gabrielaandonova Siteground Team
Excellent timing, indeed! We are glad to hear our Migrator will come in handy, David!
Does this migrate to a Siteground Google Workspace account or just a basic smtp account?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Phil, great question! The email migrator tool connects to the remote email host and transfers the emails into the SiteGround-hosted email accounts created in SiteTools. They can then be accessed via the Webmail interface as well as added to a local email client (using IMAP, POP3/SMTP). You can check out our step-by-step tutorial for more details about the transfer process:
Does this work for G Suite/Google Workspace accounts you want to move to siteground?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Scott, there shouldn’t be any trouble with the migration as long as you are using the correct settings. You can see all the steps and required settings in our tutorial:
I was just moving two sites, and wishing there was something like this!
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Lisa, and welcome to our hosting services! Good thing that next time you need it, the email migrator tool is ready for you to try out.
Rafaella Smith
Is email part of our plan when we use siteground host our website? Ours is
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thank you for the question, Rafaella! Yes, email services are included in all our hosting plans! You can easily create email addresses with your own domain via Site Tools -> Email Accounts. You can check out this tutorial on the process:
This sounds great! To confirm, will it work for ALL email (sent emails, sub-folders, etc.)? And will it transfer contacts as well?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hey Kevin, we are glad to hear you like the news! In answer to the question, yes, the structure of the email accounts will be kept and both messages and folders will be migrated. Email contacts on the other hand are not included in the transfer. So users would need to copy them manually.
Peter Chubbock
I would like to know if Siteground still has a limitation on the amount of emails that can be stored on an account. I have the Geek account, so I have a number of customers with email accounts. the storage provided is 40GB in total, and I originally understood you cannot store more than 8GB in total for the whole Geek account. Therefore as an example, if I have four customers each using 2GB of email storage, then, my understanding is I cannot add a further customer that wants any email storage as I will have exceeded the allowed amount?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Peter, thank you for your comment. The mailbox quota on our shared hosting plans (including GoGeek) is 10GB per mailbox. Since the emails are stored on the hosting account, their storage use is included in the total disk usage of the plan itself. There is no limit to the number of email addresses you can create though and you are welcome to customize the mailbox quota of email accounts via Site Tools -> Email Accounts menu as needed.
I manage a homeowner's association site and it's hosted with SiteGround. We use Zoho for our email because that was the original design. Never really liked this email system so we've talked for years to change. What is the cost of this email system? Do we have a limited number of email addresses we can use? Is this simple to do? Any other issues??? Do you have detailed directions??
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Candy! It’s great to hear you are considering our services! To confirm, yes, emails are included with all our hosting plans and there is no limit to the number of email addresses you can create with your domain/s. Our sales team will be happy to provide more information about the services and advise on the most suitable plan for your project! You can reach them 24/7 via live chat using this link:
will this work with google workspace email
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Brian! As long as you have the correct email settings, our Migrator can transfer your emails to the SiteGround-hosted service. We’ve created a guide on the process that you can check out here:
Hello Gabriela I have a website hosted on google workspace and using the email transfer tool, with the correct emails, passwords etc using my own domain as host it gives an error, I tried the google ips but they don't work either, which address should I put at ip/hostname?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hey Camilo, we’d be happy to check and assist you! You can contact our support team 24/7 directly from the Help Centre page of your account. This way our experts will have the needed access to the account/domain details to check and advise further! Here are the steps on how to reach the team:
Amazing! Beter late than never! Great news 🤩
Wow, love this new feature. Thank you. And it's free!!!
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thanks for the feedback, Steve! We're glad you're enjoying it! At SiteGround we've always tried to provide extra value for our clients, so yes, especially with our in-house developed tools, whenever possible we usually try to make them available at no additional cost for our clients.
What is the cost for hosting a domain amd 15 emial accounts also how do I set up my own siteground account ?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thank you for your interest in our services, Brian! Emails are included and free with all our plans! You are welcome to our live chat where our experts can provide more details about the different plans we offer and help you with the sign-up process:
This is great! Thanks for adding this feature.
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
You're welcome, Maureeen! It's great to hear you like it!
seems like a great idea. You've hosted my website for a number of years but I've continued using Microsoft Outlook for email service. Under outlook, I make extensive use of categories to organize 2000+ customer emails. Will your new took transfer that information into something with equivalent functionality...most importantly, the categories facilitate mass mailings to everyone in a category or set of categories. Thanks Dennis
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thank you for the comment, Dennis! The Email Migrator is designed to help with email migration from your old email host to the SiteGround-hosted email accounts created in Site Tools. It will transfer the current email structure including folders, messages, and attachments. Any custom rules for mass mailing and category setup would need to be applied separately after the switch either via your local email client or the Webmail interface in Site Tools.
Brent S
Does it support Mdaemon migration
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Hello Brent! Migration should be possible as long as the required email settings are correct. You can see the step-by-step instructions as well as all requirements in this tutorial:
Thanks, I will use this tool. Is it possible to migrate from external domain registar to siteground? or is it needed to register the domain name on siteground? Regards
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thank you for the comment! Yes, it is perfectly possible to use the Migrator with external domain names as well. You can check out the tutorial we’ve created on the process here:
Can this work for moving masked email from Google Workspace?
Gabriela Andonova Siteground Team
Thank you for your comment, Jane. The Email Migrator tool requires the correct name of the email address to be transferred, its password, and specific server details to connect with the remote email host. After that, it'll only copy over the emails within that account. For more information about the process and what's needed, reach out to our team.
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