Essential part of the hosting service is the communication with clients. It allows us to meet interesting people, to discuss and solve problems together. That is how we become closer with some of the people and they join our large community – facebook group, twitter followers…
In this article we introduce to you one of the most active and helpful members of our community – Alin. He is extraordinary in many ways – smart, helpful, good-natured, honest and always eager to reach the bottom of the problem. You should know his life has not been easy, the least said. He is diagnosed with Quadriplegic Spastic Cerebral Palsy and has gone through the worst in life: read Alin’s story here. He has been kind enough to answer a few questions for our blog:
SiteGround: Please, introduce yourself and tell us something about you.
Alin: Hi Siteground customers and Siteground prospectives. My name is Alin S, I run and one is a WordPress-based blog and the other is a phpBB3 forum for people with disabilities. I use the blog to help people learn more about me and stay in the loop. I also get donations to help me pay for medical equipment and people also buy DVDs of my speeches.
SG: What is Internet for you and what do you want to accomplish with your site?
A: The internet for me is one of my very few only connections to the outside world and Siteground helps me get myself out there so I am not forced to go find people to connect with, people find my site and or my forum and connect and start talking to me and my friends and other members. It’s great because with how limited my mobility is and how bad my pain is i only go out when its necessary. Most of my “fun” takes place online or at home with people visiting.
SG: Which is your favorite Content Management System?
A: My favorite CMS (Content Management System) is WordPress since it features SO many plugins and can be used for ANYTHING. When you say WordPress you think blogs, newspapers, and other “press” related things. NOT AT ALL! WordPress can become a full fledged E-Commerce system, It can be a photo gallery system, pretty much just about anything that its 50,000+ Plugins allow it to do! And best of all if you know code, it’s all open source so feel free to dig in! (But make sure to back it up first, I’ve broken my installation doing things like that!)
SG: What are you looking for in a web hosting company?
A: When I think web hosting I look for a clean cut leader of companies, not some company that offers the cheapest hosting package on a bunch of cloud servers, no I want a company that knows their servers, has data center technicians always ready, has 24 hour support that turns around with an answer within 10 minutes or less! I also expect a company to be generous to its customers and not cold and stingy and that is exactly what Siteground is.
SG: You are an active member in our forum and communicate often with our support. Would you like to share your experience.
A: Siteground staff also partake in the Siteground forum which is a great place to chat with support professionals about non critical issues or things like “My wordpress does not look right how do I format X header to fit with this type of footer” or “What plugin would I use in Joomla to produce a cool effect of snow on my site?”. Tell them it’s verbatim from my head and that its their problem to edit it LOL!
We hope you have enjoyed Alin. You might want to check his Donations-Gifts page and show him your support for what he does.
Comments ( 4 )
Alin S
WOW. thank you siteground!
Really great !
Ramesh Singh
That's really nice of you. I appreciate siteground efforts to make people happy.
Joseph Rowe
I'm glad Siteground has supported you so well. I've used them for both business and personal web sites for years with great success. I, too, have physical disabilities and have lived almost my entire life in a wheelchair using a ventilator. I've managed to be physically mobile and involved in the world, but the internet mkes it so mmuch easier for us. My website,, is way out of date and I'm about to completely rebuild it, but you can learn something about me there.
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