Meet Michel Smekens: “SiteGround hosting is the oil that makes our website engines run smoothly”
This is the first interview from our new blog series where we introduce some of the SiteGround customers that have stood out during the years. We start with presenting the CEO of a Belgian web design studio
SiteGround: Tell us a little more about your company
Michel Smekens: Webnology is a web design bureau in Belgium. We started designing websites in 2004, and are still alive and kicking. We are now 2 full-time partners, and 3 more freelancers, depending on projects. We develop all of our websites with ExpressionEngine, a marvelous CMS from the guys at EllisLab.
Most of our clients are based in Belgium, but we also have customers in the US and New-Zealand. We don’t see real differences in expectations between these 2 groups, but the communication is off course harder. I actually prefer a live talk with a customer.
SiteGround: What is the main challenge in the web design work?
Michel Smekens: One of the biggest challenges in Webdesign is getting on the same wave length with your customer. They all need logo’s, text, forms, pictures, etc… but getting in their heads, and in the heads of their customers is more important, and is more difficult. Staying up to date with technology, and the browser differences is another challenge, I feel. But I have a good feeling, that if you listen carefully to your customers, have the needed patience, all websites can become as they want it to be.

SiteGround: Which website you worked on is your favorite project ever and why?
Michel Smekens: Our favorite project is the project we are working on at any given time. Once you get a new project, you can start to get creative, and make it better than the last one. You learned more than yesterday, you are smarter than yesterday, so every project is getting better every day.
SiteGround: Tell us a little more about your experience with SiteGround hosting and why you have chosen to work with us for so many projects?
Michel Smekens: Hosting is very important for all our websites. It is the the oil that makes the engine runs smoothly. I choose SiteGround hosting, mainly because EE websites run beautifully on the hosting, and the support, when needed, is of lightning speed, and accurate. I think I must have an average of about 4 minutes for any hosting related issue.
Thank you Michel for taking the time to answer our questions and for using our services! The series will continue next week with presenting our next outstanding customer!
Lilyana Yakimova
Marketing Manager
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