Our Customer Care department just had its biggest and longest team building event ever. We went to the sea side and spent 3 totally amazing days together. As always – we would like to share our experience with you.
The Games
It all started with a challenge. A challenge to find the hidden pirate treasures on the beach. Imagine the amazed gazes of the gathering crowd as a horde of SiteGrounders started digging around in the sand. Then we all went through a round of witty games – finding new ways to work as a team and combining our skills in order to succeed. It all culminated with an epic dance off and at the end we were all winners. Later on we also enjoyed doing yoga, going windsurfing and even had a soccer match.
The Skills
A few of my colleagues and I had the chance to share ideas on the subject we are most passionate about and present it to the team. It was great to both gain experience from the interaction and be able to discuss topics such as why being a customer care rep is rewarding, how to build self confidence, and the power of positive thinking. After that we broke down into teams and planned our goals for the next 3 months. As Eisenhower once said: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything”.
The Excitement
Much like most of my colleagues, I had never sailed on a boat in the sea. That’s why we were both surprised and excited to find ourselves among the waves while the gentle breeze greeted us from the Black Sea. We even stopped for a swim and a few jumps. Then after a relaxing siesta on the sailboats we went back on shore and the fun continued.
The Party
Everyone that has spent time with us knows that there’s no party like a SiteGround party. The first night was a cool starter with a chill out mood and one of our very own guys performing as the DJ. On the second night we went out to one of the best clubs in the region and had our fair share of dancing and a show to boot. Then finally, we were treated to our very own private karaoke party. New stars were born that night and they lit the fire that kept us going till the very morning.
The Dream
Once, when I joined the company, there was only a roomful of us. Now the customer care department is almost 90 people from all shapes and sizes, different nationalities and cultures, and we are still growing. What constantly amazes me is that we have managed to keep the pace and spirit that made us the team you love and although we are spread out and far away most of the time, we feel closer than ever. We dream big and the dream keeps coming true.
Now that we’re recharged and full of energy we hope that the emotion will also spread to you – our beloved clients.
Comments ( 2 )
The "Being Positive" slide reminds me of the sci-fi book Wool. You all are a beautiful group of talented people. It's nice to see you having so much fun together. Keep up the exceptionally excellent work!
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Thanks for the kind words Eve!
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